Years back, I learned about the lesser-known sonambient work of Italian-American designer Harry Bertoia. Bertoia, celebrated for his now-iconic wire mesh seating, created a series of sound sculptures in the…
Floral and bright, the scent of yuzu, a small citrus fruit with aromatic skin and little juice, is unique. If you could inhale the uplifting aroma released by an opened…
Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Kelly D. Norris was born “with a trowel in his hands,” wrote Gardenista contributor Melissa Ozawa, in her story…
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I’ve been noticing quite a few garage renovations on my daily get-me-away-from-my-kids-before-I-implode walks. Makes sense. As remote learning and working continue to be the norm for many families, homeowners are…
“We had this idea of making a green cube in the back of the garden,” says San Francisco-based landscape architect Scott Lewis. And as you can see, it was an…
Blue is a magical and rare color in nature. Yes, the sky is blue, and so are some seas (under the right conditions), but not many flowers are blue. In…
After horticulturalist Kelly D. Norris f inished writing New Naturalism (the award-winning 2021 book now in its sixth printing), he didn’t have to think hard about what…